Anyone, from newbie to seasoned leader and marketer, can benefit from going through proven series of steps. No matter where you are in your business, it always pays to revisit the basics and make sure you're doing everything possible to grow your business to be as good as it can possibly be.
Here are the main traits for a Profitable Business:
1. Tough Mental State. Leaders face tough situations and need to be able to stay focused. A tough mental state is essential. You want people who eat hard times for breakfast, because they will inevitably be called to do so!
2. Tenacity. Again, they will face hard times and obstacles head on, so they need a high "capacity for tenacity!" As Robert Schuler says, "When the Going Gets Tough the Tough Get Going."
3. A Desire to Rise Above the Status Quo. Leaders never think in terms of average. They have no desire to be average. They see themselves higher, they want to be higher, and they are willing to do what it takes to rise above the crowd.
4. Takes Responsibility. Notice I didn't say "accepts responsibility." Good followers will say, "okay," when assigned a task. Leaders look ahead and ask you if they can take projects on. This is key to finding people who want to lead - they take on additional responsibilities and then deliver!
A brief overview of the steps you need to take in order to grow a profitable business:
1. Find a hungry niche market -- BEFORE you decide what to sell
2. Write compelling salescopy that draws in your visitors
3. Design a winning site that converts visitors into buyers
4. Use the power of email marketing to keep in touch with your visitors... and turn them into buyers!
5. Grow your business by selling new products to your existing customer base
Remember, you can always increase your skills. Even if you just increase them a little bit, you will increase your effectiveness and your impact significantly. Even the smallest of change in a trajectory will mean a large change in distance
I wish You Great Success.
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