Many people have accomplished tremendous things later on in life, there is always time to do more and achieve more, to teach more and to learn more. There is never a time to stop in your pursuit of a legacy.
The Core Principles:
1. Life is best lived in service to others. While in pursuit for the best for ourselves, we should serve other people, including our family, co-workers and friends.
2. Maintain integrity. There are very few things that outlive your reputation and good name. There will always be temptations to cut corners and break your code. But do what is right all of the time.
3. You risk in order to gain. In just about every area of life you must risk in order to gain the reward. In love, you must risk rejection in order to go on a date. In investing you must risk your capital before profit. When we risk, we gain. And when we gain, we have more to leave for others.
4. You reap when you sow. You plant a seed and reap a bushel. What you give you get. If you give time, you will gain time. It is one of the truest laws of the universe. Decide what you want out of life and then begin to sow it.
5. Hard work is never a waste. Hard work will leave you a grand legacy. Give it your best on your sojourn on earth. You will do a lot of good and leave a terrific legacy.
6. Don't give up when you fail. How many thriving businesses would have been shut down if they quit at their first failure? Everyone fails. It is a fact of life. But those who succeed are those who do not give up when they fail. They keep going and build a successful life.
Imagine the legacies that would have never existed if someone had given up.
I wish You Great Success.
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