Monday, June 04, 2007

Quantum Relationship

The theory of relationship is to enhance the quality of your life and the life of othersand it suggest that the more discomfort you can handle the more success you will experience. Life is supposed to be adventurous, When you understand how to influence others and the environment you begin to expand the influence you have in life.

Robert collier noted; 
"The primal cause is mind. Everything must start with an idea. Every event, every condition, 
everything is first an idea in the mind." it is so basic that I think sometimes we forget that 
our minds are the starting point of all creation.

Ernest Holmes also noted; 
"Every person is surrounded by a thought atmosphere and through this power we are either attracting or repelling. Like attracts like and we attract just what we are in mind."

The point is that when we are relaxed and thinking about pure thoughts we receive pure answers. 
If we are relaxed and we are thinking about what we want in life we will receive an answer that is of pure desire.

Desperation is negative energy and that negative energy is what creates repulsion. This is why it is called the paradoxical intent, we must be in balance. It really is very simple to understand, but for many it could be very hard to get. 

We are all made of the same ingredients, in other words we all have a spiritual nature, physical nature and mental nature. We are also emotional and social beings who want to establish connection with those around themselves and with their environment. These Pillars were created for the purpose of creating harmony in your life.

We all have the ability to influence the world in big ways, but it is only those who are bold enough to take a stab at influencing themselves and others, they are the ones who will make a difference in the world.

If we want to experience life in ways that supports value, honor, and dignity we must act in ways that support value, honor and dignity. Here is where I think we find ourselves in terms of who we really are. This is also one of the most difficult areas of life that most people have to unravel.

In short, . Use what you learn and life will give you rewards beyond your wildest dreams.  but no one ever said life was going to be easy

I wish You Great Success.

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