Your FAQ page can actively attract traffic to your site, establish your credibility, and make sales for you. Not bad for a "functional" admin page! Lure traffic to your site with your FAQ page!
Have you optimized your FAQ page with keywords yet?
This is the perfect place:
You can use long-tail keyword questions about your product -- the questions people actually type in to
the search engines when they have a problem that your item can solve. In fact, you can use those "problem statements" in both the questions AND the answers to make the search engines really sit up and take notice!
Your FAQ page is also a great place for product names and other specifics that people search on
when they're ready to buy.
The more frequently you update your FAQ with your best-performing keywords, the more often the
spiders will crawl all over it and boost your search rankings.
Use analytics tools to track FAQ traffic, user behavior, and conversions. Experiment with different website elements to determine what works best for your audience.
Design your FAQ with mobile users in mind, as mobile traffic continues to grow, ensure that all content, including images and videos, is optimized for mobile devices.
Integrate social media sharing buttons to encourage users to share your content. Display social media feeds. or links to your profiles to increase engagement.
I wish You Great Success.
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