Wednesday, January 24, 2007

The Fundamentals of Effective Communication.

Success is heavily dependent upon our ability to communicate.
Improving your ability to communicate will be one of the most important things you will ever do.
One of the easiest ways to improve your communication is to start by working and improving on 
the fundamentals.

Communication is powerful - The Bible says, "The tongue has the power of life and death." 
This is true, the ability to communicate is a powerful responsibility. You have within you the 
incredible power of communication. You can create tremendous things in your life if you communicate effectively. The knowledge of communication combined with a good heart is the first step in 
unleashing an incredible force!

Communication must be purposeful. In order to be effective. In order to become an effective communicator, you should know what you want to communicate, when you want to communicate, and how you want to communicate. Decide what kind of communication will enhance your life and your environment, and then plan your communication steps.

What you say must match what you do. Remember, people watch what you do, not just what you say. 
What you do always outweighs what you say. If you say one thing and do another, people will follow what you do.

Improve the Big Two Speaking and Writing: When it comes to communication, these are the Big Two 
that everyone can improve upon--speaking and writing. For every one step that you take to increase
your ability to speak and write, you will improve your desired position two steps. Just set your 
sights on the next level above where you are now. Once you get there, then continue to work to the next level.

Here are a few tips on becoming a better speaker and writer:

Becoming a better speaker:
Join Toastmasters
Take a college course on public speaking.
Give a speech in front of a mirror.
Just speak - wherever you can.

Becoming a better writer:
Keep a journal.
Join a writing club.
Have people who are more skilled than you help edit (critique) your letters and emails.
Take a college course on writing.
Write that book you've been thinking about

Becoming a better speaker and writer will be based on three things: doing it, getting feedback, 
and acting on that feedback.

I wish You Great Success. 

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Outsourcing Trends

Always be consistent in your actions, but make sure that the things you stand today are the things you can stand in 10years time.
There is no one way, there are many ways, and the more you add to the mix, the more powerful and stable your business becomes.

Outsourcing Trends:

Nearshoring and Onshoring: Companies are increasingly considering outsourcing partners in nearby or domestic locations to address issues related to time zones and cultural alignment.

Robotic Process Automation (RPA): The integration of automation technologies, including robotic process automation, is becoming more common in outsourcing arrangements.

Cloud-Based Outsourcing: Cloud computing is facilitating more flexible and scalable outsourcing arrangements, allowing businesses to access services remotely.

Outcome-Based Models: Some outsourcing agreements are shifting towards outcome-based models where payment is tied to specific results or performance metrics.

Focus on Cybersecurity: With the increasing importance of data security, there is a growing emphasis on incorporating cybersecurity measures into outsourcing agreements.

6. Effective Outsourcing Management:
Regular Monitoring: Regularly monitor the performance of outsourcing partners to ensure they 
meet agreed-upon standards.

Communication and Collaboration: Foster open communication and collaboration between internal 
teams and external service providers.

Continuous Improvement: Encourage continuous improvement by providing feedback and working collaboratively to enhance processes and outcomes.

Risk Management: Implement strategies for mitigating risks related to data security, 
quality issues, and potential disruptions.

Adaptability: Be adaptable and responsive to changes in the business environment, adjusting 
outsourcing strategies as needed.

The name of the game is to know what you stand for - stand for it - and act today until you meet your objective. The problem is that the negativity and rejection you get all the time affects even the strongest willed person and he will occasionally have moments of doubt.

But if you can pay yourself along the way and validate what you do as the right thing, you will meet your goals . . .Then you are on the path to great success.

I wish You Success.

Monday, January 08, 2007

Educators and Consultants

Educators and Consultants are viewed differently. Let's take a look at each and the benefits that come from positioning yourself in these ways.

The Educator: What does an educator do? He or she teaches others. They are perceived as helping others learn so they can make their own decisions. Rather than saying, "I sell cars to people," when describing your work, say, "I educate people on the car industry and the choices they 
can make to improve their lives or business." There is a big difference. Who wants to get sold? 
No one. Who wants to learn? Everyone! Position yourself as an educator. Tell people you are in 
the education business.

The Consultant: What does a consultant do? He or she consults. The perception of a consultant is that they are a third party. The idea here is to position yourself as one who consults with people who would like to know and be educated about their options. You work on behalf of the customer. 
That is key. You work for the customer as a consultant. You help them see all of their options so they can make an informed decision. Who wants to be sold? No one. Who wants to see all of their options? Everyone! Position yourself as a consultant. Tell people you are in the consulting business.

Now let's take a look at listening skills. It is a firm fact that if you will listen, and ask good questions, the customer will tell you what they want. Yes, your job as a salesperson is to first and foremost listen.

Here are 14 tips for becoming a better listener. These tips will serve you well in sales - and in life:
1. Keep eye contact with the person speaking. Don't look around.
2. Focus on what they are saying. Allow your brain to process it, so you understand.
3. Avoid emotional responses. Don't get mad or sad at what they say.
4. Don't get distracted. Don't let your mind wander or give your attention elsewhere in the room. 
5. Ask mental questions. Be thinking and interacting with the information you are hearing.
6. Use your body language to show you are listening. Don't slump. Sit straight - just like your 
mother taught you!
7. Nod your head to show that you understand them.
8. Keep your body open - don't fold your arms. That signals that you are closed off to what they are saying.
9. Lean toward the speaker. This shows engagement.
10. Ask questions to clarify. You want to make sure that what you are hearing is what they are intending to communicate.
11. Don't make assumptions. Hear what they say and take it at face value.
12. Paraphrase what you hear them saying. Say it back to them.
13. Restate the key points or issues. This will make sure you are on the same page.
14. Listen without interrupting. Let them finish. Interrupting says, "What I have to say is more important than what you have to say."

I wish You Success.