Monday, November 25, 2013

The Invisible Government

When the president signs this act [Federal Reserve Act of 1913] the invisible government by the Monetary Power will be legalized" — Charles A Lindbergh Sr. U.S Senator, Minnesota

Charles statement still holds a lot of truth even after a century; cashflow is still king for many companies and government. The MBA Oath, now invoked at graduation includes a provision about being a good steward of entrusted resources.

However, great leadership and good management should be about the visible government and it is a series of well thought-through actions including phases, communications, checkpoints, customer-impact-testing, metrics, contingencies, and feedback loops, designed to produce specified results on time and on budget, based on known circumstances. Where circumstances are unknown, as with innovations, then good management proceeds with a flat organizational structures that encourages series of pilot tests, rehearsals and rapid prototypes.

The visible government is practical as well as visionary and cares about efficiency. The leaders might not be the ones to roll up their sleeves for the tasks of execution, but they know what to ask of those who do and they grow with experience.

China seems to have borrowed a lot from this concepts and it should not be hard to see why. When a country’s governance is structured in such a way that incentives for the political elite are aligned with the economic interests of the country, the country is likely to grow rapidly and in a healthy way, and with minimal political disruption. When they are misaligned, however, there are likely to be significant strains and pressures that resolve themselves through political conflict.

China makes massive change possible; from one child policy to the state owned enterprises while the government is willing to partner and learn from other governments and businesses.

We can also learn a great deal from China while we maintain an exposing pressure on the negetive aspect of corruption, human rights and intellectual property violation.

For instance; When you introduce yourself in the West, you say "Hi, my name is Mike Stuart, CEO of Nike, from Boston, United States." In China, you would say "Hi, I’m from China, Shanghai. I’m Nike’s CEO, Mike Stuart." That speaks volumes on the importance of the collective versus the individual.

Here is a big dream worthy of our attention, from China's, Alibaba, CEO

The company [Alibaba] will remain a ‘start-up’ no matter how long it has been in existence. Whatever has been stable, I will disrupt that stability. The company needs to continue to innovate and grow. I want the employees to believe that we are a small company, no matter how big we get. I believe we can create a system and culture to perpetuate this culture of entrepreneurial and start-up spirit.

Monday, November 04, 2013

Follow your Dream


If you advance confidently in the direction of your dreams, you will meet with uncommon success in common hours..............Emmanuel Sodipo

Dreams and visions are fascinating phenomena that provide us with unique insights into the workings of our mindset. While they both involve the generation of images and information within our consciousness, they are adopted differently.

The great minds do something special. The great minds combine, in an artful way, logic with intuition. Great insights are made by people who combine deduction with feel, structure with improvisation and sciences with the arts..............

I think the Japanese term “ikigai” sums it up best. Ikigai is the intersection of what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. The reality is that most people don’t have a job that hits those four things. Many people don’t even get two. I had some great experiences with this. I consistently dabbled in something creative, but my heart was always elsewhere. I loved tech and I loved writing and didn’t believe I could make a living writing. I certainly didn’t know I could combine both of those worlds. 

The idea is to find a balance and overlap among these four elements. When a person aligns their passion, vocation, mission, and profession, they are said to have found their ikigai—a sense of purpose and fulfillment in their daily life. The concept encourages individuals to explore the deeper meaning and satisfaction that comes from living a life that integrates these aspects.

Ikigai is often depicted as a Venn diagram, with the overlapping area at the center representing one's ikigai. This visual representation helps people reflect on their lives and make decisions that lead to a more purposeful and harmonious existence.

It's important to note that ikigai is a personal and subjective concept, and it may evolve over time. It encourages self-awareness and the pursuit of a meaningful and fulfilling life dream that goes beyond mere financial or career success.

See You at the Top