Friday, April 29, 2011

The Team

The odds are incredibly high that YOU are doing all the work to grow your business. And that's where the overwhelm, overwork, and frustration comes from. After all, growing a business takes a lot of work.

But, if you, and you alone, are doing all the work to grow your business, it means that your business is designed wrong. Because while it's true that growing a business takes a lot of hard work - it doesn't mean that YOU have to be the one doing all the hard work.

What I am talking about is designing your business, so you satisfy, better than your competitors, the essential needs, unconscious expectations, and perceived preferences of everyone your business interacts with.

That includes employees, outsourcers, affiliates, joint-venture partners, prospects, customers, suppliers, and anyone and everyone else your business relies on.

The Team culture refers to the shared values, beliefs, behaviors, and norms that define how members of a team interact with each other and work together. It encompasses the overall atmosphere, attitudes, and relationships within the team. A positive team culture contributes to increased collaboration, communication, and productivity.

In other words, you build a business that every member of your team understands the business culture and knows how the business makes money.

The mistake most entrepreneurs make is they neglect everyone other than themselves. They design or default into a business where they are the only ones who truly benefit from the business. And if that's the case, it shouldn't come as any big surprise that they are the ones who are going to have to do all the work to grow it.

If you do all the work to grow your business, you end up with a job that owns YOU instead of a business that you own.

I Wish You Great Success