Sunday, February 28, 2016

The Strategic Resource

The strategic resource is information.......... Daniel Bell

Multiple studies affirm that reading enhances intelligence, creativity, and insight. It’s the forge where vocabulary, knowledge, reasoning, and empathy are tempered.

Reading is an essential component of leadership development. A broad and deep reading habits can sharpen both intelligence and communication skills.

Data Illuminates the Path, Psychologists David Kidd and Emanuele Castano linked empathy and literary fiction. Subsequent surveys confirmed that fiction readers excel in emotion recognition tests. Reading isn’t mere escapism; it’s a bridge to understanding, a compass for leadership.  

For business leaders, the most impactful reading extends beyond explicitly “business” books to include histories, biographies, novels, and even poetry. The most effective “must read” books by leaders in business are incredibly diverse.

Engaging with diverse content, fiction, history, biography, social science can pull you out of your day-to-day routine and help you make connections between ideas from other fields, such as:

Financial Literacy- They have a deep understanding of finance and are proficient in financial management. They monitor cash flow, budgets, and investments closely.

Innovation- Business leaders encourage innovation within their organizations. They are often at 
the forefront of adopting new technologies and methodologies.

Focus on Value- They prioritize delivering value to customers. Leaders understand that satisfied customers lead to long-term success.

Long-Term Perspective- They take a long-term view of their businesses and investments. 
This perspective allows them to weather short-term fluctuations and make decisions that 
benefit them in the future.

Self-Reflection- Successful leaders often engage in self-reflection. They assess their strengths and weaknesses, seeking to improve and grow as individuals and leaders.

Giving Back- Many business leaders are philanthropic and engage in charitable activities. They use 
their wealth to make a positive impact on society.

Fellow seeker of knowledge, let your eyes traverse the written horizon. For in the pages of books, leaders find not just answers, but questions that ignite galaxies.

This is the legendry secret of all Geniuses in creativity.

Read More and See You at the Top.