Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Business Illusion of Security by Government

Maintaining privacy from the powerful duo of government and business is basically an illusion. Any privacy we perceive is based on either ignorance or deception.

The Cloud of Things refers to a world where much more than our computers and mobile phones is Internet-enabled. A world where our cars, clothing and home appliances are equipped with Internet-connected modules.

Consider these Illusions:

If the government requested that we all carry tracking devices 24/7?
We would rebel. Yet we all carry mobile phones and drive our cars.

If the government requested that we deposit copies of all of our messages with the police?
We would declare their actions invasive and unconstitutional. Yet we all use Gmail and Facebook.

If the government requested that we give them access to our photographs, identify the people and tag them with locations?
We would refuse and call it a Police State. Yet we leave those details on our devices and applications while the updates on those devices and applications happen automatically, without our knowledge or consent.

Consider these Possibilities:

Today's cyber-issues involve systemic social, economic, organizational, and political components.

What if we decide to stay away from all these cloud technologies?
Our friends could tag, call or even visit us in their brand-new cars, and we would still be living in a world of illusion.

What happens when we are faced with a Rogue Business or Government?

Stay secure, have fun and learn some new words, some of the recently recognized English words are:

Generative AI: Artificial intelligence capable of generating new content (such as images or text) in response to a submitted prompt by learning from a large reference database of examples.
Large language model: A language model that utilizes deep methods on an extremely large data set as a basis for predicting and constructing natural-sounding text.
Vector graphics: A process of creating digital images using mathematical formulas to specify the relationship between elements (e.g., lines) rather than defining each individual pixel.
Rotoscope: To draw or paint over live-action footage frame by frame to create realistic animation.
Smishing: The practice of sending text messages to trick individuals into revealing personal or confidential information for criminal purposes.

Feel free to incorporate these fresh words into your thinking and everyday vocabulary!

See You in Space..........

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Downloaded Business

Most jobs that existed 20 years ago are not needed now; Most of the cubicles are empty, the middle class is being squeezed out by outsourcing and technology.

Amazon has taken over and eliminated the need for most bookstores. Social media has replaced many media outlets. The numbers are interesting.

Facebook has 1.2 billion users who make 2.5 billion posts per day ... Twitter has more than half a billion users who send 175 million tweets daily ... and LinkedIn has more than 175 million members and is adding 2 new members every second.

Why Social Media Matters:
Cost-Effective- social media provides targeting efficiency and allows brands to reach a large audience at a lower cost than traditional marketing channels.
Audience Presence- People spend significant time on social media platforms daily, making it essential for businesses to be where their audience is.

How do we plugin?

Well, I believe it is not every business that should follow the download model, the landscape is now perfect for creativity and entrepreneurship. Just recently a yoghurt tycoon was named the world's best entrepreneur for building a $1bn turnover business in less than 6years.

Hamdi Ulukaya, a Turkish immigrant to US born in 1972 who launched New York-based Chobani in 2007 is now America's biggest yoghurt business. It began with just five employees with the odds stacked against him.

Ulukaya's entrepreneurial journey began when he acquired a defunct yogurt plant in upstate New York with the vision of introducing Greek yogurt to the American market. Using a family recipe and traditional yogurt-making methods, he launched Chobani in 2007. The company quickly gained traction, thanks to its high-quality products and innovative packaging.

Under Ulukaya's leadership, Chobani revolutionized the yogurt industry in the United States, pioneering the Greek yogurt craze and becoming the top-selling yogurt brand in the country. Ulukaya's emphasis on natural ingredients, authentic craftsmanship, and social responsibility resonated with consumers, propelling Chobani to tremendous success.

He only moved to the US in 1994 to learn English.

He dropped out of business school to start a business making feta cheese.

He purchased a closed factory from Kraft using a government loan.

But like every success story, he was persistent...…

Everything in life worth having is a direct result of persistent and innovative follow-up!--Paul Jacobson, MD

See you at the Top