Consider conducting market research to understand your audience's pain points, desires, and motivations. Craft your advertising messages to address these aspects, showcasing how your offering provides a solution or fulfills a desire, making it more appealing to potential customers.
Feature- "Our new smartphone has a 16-megapixel camera."
Benefit- "Capture stunning, high-resolution photos with our new smartphone and relive your memories with crystal-clear clarity."
Incorporate customer testimonials or success stories that highlight how your product or service delivered on its unique promise. Real-life experiences can be powerful in reinforcing your USP.
Carefully proofread and edit the advert for grammar, spelling, and clarity. It should be error-free and polished. Timing is crucial. prepare the advert well in advance of the event or announcement to give time to review and plan coverage.
"PPC" ('pay-per-click') adverts...The interesting thing about these adverts is the fact that you can actually pay less than someone else competing on the same keywords- even if your search result is placed higher which traditionally should cost more.
The question is Why?
If you are more 'relevant' than they are, then you will pay less than they do...all other things being equal i.e your main site is relevant.
How is 'relevancy' determined?
The more people who click your advert as compared with the number who see it will suggest that you are more relevant. In other words, if your advert is shown 1,000 times and you get 100 people clicking through and your competitor only gets 50'click throughs' per 1,000 ad times -then you're more 'relevant' and you pay less.
This kind of logic applies to eBay too - the more relevant you are the higher you are in the search results.
I wish You Great Success.