Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Hybrid Entrepreneur

Seldom does a mortal exceed his own expectations, for each dead dream is a missing chapter in the annals of his greatness......Emmanuel Sodipo

The hybrid concept fundamentally changes the way we go about our lives and business. From our homes, our offices and to our cars, we can become more productive and efficient.

The hybrid entrepreneur maximizes his knowledge of cloud computing, uses the social media as a collaboration tool and adopts the bring your own device policy in his work environment. He is experienced enough to take the consumerization approach to new technology.

This quasi-technology/business executive is skilled in the language of business as much as the technology that feeds and drives profit. He is able to speak to the technology and to the marketing side without creative conflict about where to spend the dollars.

He operates a scalable but innovative digital ecosystem of organizations and individuals transacting across the globe in open transparent collaboration.

Hybrid entrepreneurship offers a pragmatic path—one that combines stability with entrepreneurial aspirations. It’s about building your dream while keeping your feet on solid ground.

Here are a few of such Entrepreneurs.
Born in Taiwan, Jerry Yang created the popular Yahoo! website in 1995 when he was a Stanford engineering graduate student. Forbes magazine estimates his net worth at $1.2 billion. Sergey Brin was born in Russia and earned degrees in mathematics and computer science in the U.S. In 1998, along with another Stanford University doctoral student, he launched the Google search engine. He is the fourth youngest billionaire in the world.

French-Iranian American entrepreneur Pierre Morad Omidyar came to the U.S. as a youngster. When he was 28 years old, he founded the prolific eBay Internet auction site. He is the 145th richest person in the world and 47th in the U.S. "I started eBay as an experiment, as a side hobby, while I had my day job."

What if we apply the hybrid concept to a Nation outside the U.S

As an entrepreneur in Chile, you have an incredible latitude to hire whomever you like, no matter their country of origin and those employees can apply for their passport within a year of their stay.

Chile is party to more free trade agreements than most countries in the world with one of the lowest unemployment rates.

Hybrid entrepreneurs derive income from multiple sources, including salaries or wages from their traditional employment and profits or revenues from their entrepreneurial activities. This diversification helps mitigate financial risks and provides stability.

The ultimate goal is to transition from traditional employment to full-time entrepreneurship once their business ventures become sustainable and profitable. The income and skills accumulated through hybrid entrepreneurship can facilitate this transition.

You are only limited by your imagination.