Learn Investment and Business Skills, within the next decade 50% of all current jobs will be lost to the Cloud and Automation.
Historically, companies sought “first-mover advantage” for the benefits it offered such as building a technological lead, establishing early brand recognition and loyalty, securing control of resources and channels, and raising switching costs or entry barriers. But the dynamics is shifting. Thanks to more accessible customer adoption data, diminishing brand loyalty, lower switching costs, and shortening product launch times, being first creates less significant advantages. Instead, letting others test the market and technology, and being ready to leap ahead of them with a better approach.
Here are the Top Opportunities for 2014:
- 3D Printing
- 3D Virtual Reality
- Croud Funding
- Digital Currencies
- Tech Companies with Real Solutions
- Software as a Service
- Gold
Prioritize tasks, set deadlines, and use tools like to-do lists or scheduling apps. Evaluate how you spend your time and adjust your schedule to align with your goals.
Ways to Optimize these Opportunities.
Mindfulness and Meditation:
Practice mindfulness and meditation to calm the mind, reduce distractions,
and allow creative ideas to emerge naturally.
Collaborate and Brainstorm:
Engage in brainstorming sessions with others. Collaboration can lead to a synergy
of ideas and fresh perspectives.
Take Breaks:
Give your mind periodic breaks to rest and recharge. Sometimes, stepping away
from a problem or project can lead to breakthrough insights when you return.
Explore Different Perspectives:
Try to see problems or situations from multiple angles and viewpoints. This can
help you come up with creative solutions that consider various factors.