The education of the incremental innovator leads to mastery of the already available paths of scientific knowledge and methods.......William Baumol
With concepts like Big Data, Block Chain and IOT, most businesses are now confronted with the leap from “dumb" products into creating smart, connected products.
"Idea space" generally refers to a conceptual or virtual environment where ideas are generated, explored, and developed. It's a mental or collaborative space where individuals or teams can brainstorm, innovate, and problem-solve without constraints or limitations.
Breakthrough inventiveness requires unorthodox approach to education that favors the exercise of the imagination. A world of education spanning geographical barriers resulting in exchange of ideas between students, professors and entrepreneurs.
A mix of in-company training and formal training within a climate of interactive spaces for knowledge creation, dissemination and innovation.
Breakthrough inventiveness requires unorthodox approach to education that favors the exercise of the imagination. A world of education spanning geographical barriers resulting in exchange of ideas between students, professors and entrepreneurs.
A mix of in-company training and formal training within a climate of interactive spaces for knowledge creation, dissemination and innovation.
Innovation Labs- Within companies or organizations, an idea space could refer to physical or digital environments specifically designed to foster innovation and creativity. These spaces often feature tools, resources, and processes that support ideation and experimentation.
Brainstorming Sessions- During brainstorming sessions or workshops, participants enter an idea space where they suspend judgment, encourage wild ideas, and collaborate openly to generate new concepts or solutions.
Virtual Collaboration- With the rise of remote work and digital collaboration tools, idea space can also refer to online platforms or virtual environments where teams come together to share ideas, collaborate on projects, and co-create solutions regardless of physical location.
Businesses have clustered into networks throughout history, but today we refer to business clusters like the technology industry in Silicon Valley, the financial sector in London and automakers in southern Germany.
Business clustering is an organic process involving a self-organized, self-sustaining, and self-reinforcing formation of interconnected businesses.
Vibrant cities rely on clusters that can adapt; and cluster adaptability in turn hinges on an “idea space.”
An idea space for a handful of skilled individuals, local entrepreneurs recycled with academic excellence.
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