Monday, November 12, 2018

The Genius from Talent

Genius does what it must and Talent does what it can.................Owen Meredith (1868)

Thomas Alva Edison(1847-1931) was born in Milan, Ohio, he lost much of his hearing as a boy and had little formal training. He worked as a railroad newsboy on the Grand Trunk Railway and soon printed and published his own newspaper on the train, the Grand Trunk Herald

During the civil war he worked as a telegraph operator in various cities and invented an electric vote recording machine.

In 1871 he invented the paper ticker tape automatic repeater for stock exchange prices, which he then sold in order to establish an industrial research laboatory at Newark, New Jersey.

In 1876 he moved the laboratory to Menio Park, New Jersey, where he was named Genius of Menio Park

He took out more than 1000 patents in all;
-The gramophone (1877),
-The incandescent light bulb (1879) 
-A system for generating and distributing electricity and designed the first power plant (1881-82)
-The electric valve (1883) 
-The kinetoscope (1891).
-The first talking motion pictures (1912)
-A megaphone
-A storage battery,
-Discovered thermionic emission, formerly called the "Edison Effect"

Tireless at experimentation but always practical and commercial in his goals, he was the most prolific inventor the world has ever seen.

We also must progress from Talent to Genius

Here is the Tech Trend fo 2019:
1 Digital Twin
2 Artificial Intelligence
3 Block Chain
4 Autonomous
5 Digital Ethics and Privacy

Digital twin is a digital replica of the assets, processes, and systems of an organization, it will turn the
70% failure rate of transformation into a 70% success rate.

Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine per cent perspiration............Thomas Edison (1903)

See You at the Top

Seasons in Life