Saturday, August 24, 2019

The Invisible Energy

Management are indispensable to most business enterprises of magnitude, 
but I deem the recognition and adoption of right principles to be of 
vastly more importance ———- Elbert Gary, chairman United States Steel Corporation

Why do some men seem to attract success power, wealth, love with very 
little conscious effort while others conquer with great difficulty; still 
others fail altogether to reach their desires and ideals.

Could there be an invisible force?

At the depth of the invisible force we find energy at its purest and 
most volatile state.

When the creative power of thought is fully understood, it’s effect is 
visible and marvelous. But such results is secured only through diligence 
and concentration

This understanding will enable us to control our health, strengthen our memory 
and develop our insight; the kind that distinguishes successful business men, 
the kind that enables men discern opportunities through the ages.

Therefore the most powerful forces of nature are the invisible forces and this 
forces are enabled through the process of thinking and disabled through fear.

Thinking is an activity of the spirit and thought is a product of thinking. 

For the creative power has not giving us the spirit of fear but of boldness and 
of a sound mind.

Reasoning is a spiritual process, ideas are spiritual conceptions, questions are 
spiritual searchlights and logic, argument, philosophy are spiritual machinery.

Hence even physical science has resolved matter into molecules, molecules into 
atoms and atoms into invisible energy.

Be Creative and See You at The Top