One is not born into the world to do everything but to do something
.........Henry David Thoreau
Happiness is your responsibility, we have no right to consume happiness
without producing it.
Japanese Psychiatrist Akiyoshi Kitaoka created images designed to help
viewers of the images determine their state of mind. Essentially, if you
look at these images and they appear to be still (RELAXED), moving slowly
(MID-STRESS) and faster moving around (HI-STRESS). Your result???
There seems to be more than one way to view happiness, let’s review
it in relation to stress.
A useful working definition of stress is
You are exposed to a threat that would normally call for action to correct
it, You are either prevented from taking action or you take an action that
is ineffective. As a result the threat remains
Useful Technique:
You can diffuse situations via physical contact with another person,
holding hands, hugging...
Making friends with someone who is interested in you, who will empathize
and listen
Deep abdominal breathing relieves anxiety and makes it easier to cope
with tension
Houseplants and pets help reduce psychological stress
Music preferably instrumentals, because lyrics could stimulate
cognitive activity. Most effective with dimmed lights
Writing down your worries, accepting problems you can’t change and
finding solutions for those you can control
Truly successful people are not overburdened by stress. Largely because
they perceive stress as an opportunity to learn and invest in altruism,
recognizing the need to see beyond their personal needs and devote time
to helping others.
Research has shown that attitude towards self and the world is the key
to managing stress. So enjoying the moment can free your mind from
concerns and tensions.
Social Isolation is a threat to health and longevity with higher mortality
than smokers, obese and hypertensive. An Ohio State University study found
that spouses in bad marriages have drastically suppressed immune system.
According to Guthrie and Picciano, emotional stress such as fear, anxiety
and anger increase the secretion of adrenaline. If stress continues for any
length of time, the adrenal glands also increase their output of the steroid
hormone, cortisol from the outer cortex. Cortisol hormone is known to
suppress the immune function.
Acute and prolong stress can result in a number of symptoms.
Useful Techniques
Thought Awareness is the process by which you observe your thought and
Rational Thinking is a technique that helps you to challenge these negative
thoughts to either learn from them or refute them as incorrect.
From Fullness, comes Fullness yet Fullness Remains........Stay Happy
See You at the Top