"I claim not to have controlled events, but confess plainly that events have controlled me "..........Abraham Lincoln 1809 -65 (letter to A.G Hodges)
Each day is an S Curve of its own. I encourage you to reflect of them this way.
Take a few moments in the morning before engaging in any task.
— even before reading emails
— to meditate through the day to come.
What is the most important objective today? This is the mountaintop, the summit of the day’s S Curve.
No matter what the day requires, keep this critical objective the top priority. The morning routine is your base camp to attack the climb.
At the end of the day, celebrate the achievement, or your progress.
B.J. Fogg says celebration can be as simple as looking in the mirror and claiming, “Victory.”
Feyzi Fatehi, CEO of Corent Technology said; “I always told myself when you feel too comfortable, you have to move….It’s like in climbing; you can’t just camp somewhere. You can rest. You can look around. You can take a deep breath, have a snack. But you’ve got to keep moving, otherwise you get complacent.”
Celebration is an Event, not a Destination.
It’s the little pause where we survey the Journey. We can have a snack, with our colleagues or friends, rather than alone in our office. We rest, we catch our breath and we contemplate on the next opportunity ahead.
The fact that the interval is brief doesn’t make it unimportant, or harmless if neglected.
Celebrating an achievement great or small is a platform for further achievement.
We don’t just celebrate the win; we celebrate to win.
Excerpt; Whitney Johnson, Author Smart Growth
See You at the Top...