Monday, March 26, 2007

Effective Learning

As a progressive and evolving being, man is where he is that he may learn that he may grow; and as he learns the spiritual lesson which any circumstance contains for him, it passes away and gives place to other circumstances. - As A Man Thinketh

No situation can be difficult of itself; it is the lack of insight into its intricacies, and the absence of 
wisdom in dealing with it, which give rise to the difficulty.

Learning is the beginning of wealth. Learning is the beginning of health. 
Learning is the beginning of spirituality. Searching and learning is where the miracle process all begins. 

First, we need to understand that we possess the ability to improve and accelerate our learning curve.

The Most Effective Steps to Learning:

1. Get your mind in the right state
2. Take in the information
3. Explore the subject deeply
4. Memorize the information
5. Test yourself to show that you really know it 
6. Take time to reflect

Now let's take a brief look at how to accelerate your learning:
Here are five tips for accelerating your learning.
1. Apply the sequence of the process above. That is the key. Use these proven steps to put you on track for learning.

2. Make your learning regular. That is, do it on schedule. Your mind will get used to learning and become extremely efficient at it if you will train your mind to learn.

3. Be methodical. The best way to accelerate your learning is to do it every day. The person who progressively learns something every day for 30 days, applying the process above will be much better off than the person who learns nothing for 27 days and then crams for 3 days. 

4. Focus on doing most of the learning in your main learning style. That is your strength, it is safe to say that when you are learning in the way you learn best, you will learn faster.

5. Work with a partner. Learn together. Challenge one another. Stretch one another. Compete with one another. Test one another. And of course, encourage one another.

Individuals should also perform a Self-SWOT analysis to identify intrinsic qualities (strengths and weaknesses) that may help or hinder them in the workplace, as well as external issues (opportunities and threats) that may work for or against them as they attempt to climb the corporate ladder.

You can accelerate your learning. It just takes a little practice and learning of some new skills. Be encouraged, your mind is capable of tremendous things, and when you get into the flow of learning, you will grow in ways you have never grown before!

 "Inch by inch it is a cinch." ......True words of Robert Schuler

I wish You Great Success.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Leadership Master

Leadership mastery refers to achieving a high level of proficiency and effectiveness in leadership roles. It involves developing and honing a comprehensive set of skills, traits, and behaviors that enable leaders to inspire, motivate, and guide individuals or teams toward shared goals and objectives.

Leadership begins with understanding what you want to take care of. Identify what matters to you deeply. When you care about something, others will trust you as a leader. It’s not enough to be in charge; true leadership involves commitment to a shared future.

Good Communication - Great leaders are those who can take the vision they have and communicate it in ways that their followers can easily understand, internalize and own. Many leaders have great vision but fail to lead their organizations anywhere. Vision that is only kept in your mind is not vision, but a dream. 

Vision communicated clearly, memorably and passionately, so that people can grasp it and follow, is what will take your group, whether large or small, to the next level and beyond. A leader needs to be able to inspire others with their vision.

Mastery in communication involves active listening, empathy, clarity, and persuasiveness. Leaders communicate effectively with individuals at all levels of the organization, fostering trust and transparency.

The Ability to Delegate - Great leaders know that they cannot do it all on their own. They may be able to do a lot on their own, but they will never achieve the powerful impact that is possible until they learn to delegate, and then choose to do so. There is an old proverb that says, "One can put 1,000 to flight and 2 can put 10,000 to flight." 

When we delegate to capable people, we increase our effectiveness and impact exponentially. Unfortunately, too many leaders do not attain greatness because they refuse to let anyone else do anything. 

Mastery in leadership involves empowering others, fostering autonomy, and delegating authority effectively. Leaders trust their team members, provide support and resources, and encourage ownership and accountability.

The Ability to Teach - When you look at great leaders of history you see men and women who are able to teach. Christ, the greatest leader in history primarily led people by teaching them with stories. He knew that he would have to transfer concepts to his followers that they could remember and apply. 
In fact, they called him "teacher".

Leaders invest in the growth and development of their team members through coaching, mentorship, and feedback. They recognize and cultivate talent, foster a culture of continuous learning, and support career advancement.

 A good example of a modern-day business leader who used teaching is Jack Welch at General Electric. When Welch began leading GE, it had a market cap of 4 billion dollars. Before he retired, it had reached as high as 400 billion dollars.

The Ability to Set Goals - The leader is also responsible for setting the goals of the organization.
They must determine what the team will shoot for. They need to be big enough to stretch the followers but realistic enough so as not to discourage them. 

The leader must also set strategy and plot the map to get there. Managers can take care of the rest, but the leader is responsible for giving the general strategic direction.

Leadership mastery is not a destination but an ongoing pursuit of excellence.

I wish You Great Success.

Friday, March 02, 2007

Profitable Business

Anyone, from newbie to seasoned leader and marketer, can benefit from going through proven series of steps. No matter where you are in your business, it always pays to revisit the basics and make sure you're doing everything possible to grow your business to be as good as it can possibly be.

Here are the main traits for a Profitable Business:
1. Tough Mental State. Leaders face tough situations and need to be able to stay focused. A tough mental state is essential. You want people who eat hard times for breakfast, because they will inevitably be called to do so!
2. Tenacity. Again, they will face hard times and obstacles head on, so they need a high "capacity for tenacity!" As Robert Schuler says, "When the Going Gets Tough the Tough Get Going."
3. A Desire to Rise Above the Status Quo. Leaders never think in terms of average. They have no desire to be average. They see themselves higher, they want to be higher, and they are willing to do what it takes to rise above the crowd.
4. Takes Responsibility. Notice I didn't say "accepts responsibility." Good followers will say, "okay," when assigned a task. Leaders look ahead and ask you if they can take projects on. This is key to finding people who want to lead - they take on additional responsibilities and then deliver!

A brief overview of the steps you need to take in order to grow a profitable business:

1. Find a hungry niche market -- BEFORE you decide what to sell
2. Write compelling salescopy that draws in your visitors
3. Design a winning site that converts visitors into buyers
4. Use the power of email marketing to keep in touch with your visitors... and turn them into buyers!
5. Grow your business by selling new products to your existing customer base

Remember, you can always increase your skills. Even if you just increase them a little bit, you will increase your effectiveness and your impact significantly. Even the smallest of change in a trajectory will mean a large change in distance

I wish You Great Success.